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some solUtions to our dilemma

Over a very long period of time, radioactive waste will eventually lose its radioactive qualities and will no longer be dangerous material as stated by:


Nuclear waste is over 90% uranium. Thus, the spent fuel (waste) still contains 90% usable fuel! It can be chemically processed and placed in advanced fast reactors (which have not been deployed on any major scale yet) to close the fuel cycle. A closed fuel cycle means much less nuclear waste and much more energy extracted from the raw ore, for more knowledge on the subect go to the link:

             One solution to radiation is burying it deep underground.


By burying it underground, it will eventually lose its radioactive qualities. Then, it is harmless. Another benefit of doing this is that nothing will be affected by the waste. Unless dug up, they are harmless to the environment.


Another solution to reduce/prevent radiation is to get rid of major radiation producers.

By doing this, you can greatly reduce the amount of nuclear waste that is being created. However, this would reduce the amount of power we get from power plants. So, we could use alternate power sources like wind turbines or solar panels.










There's also another possible solution. As mentioned earlier, we possess the ability to reuse nuclear waste. By doing this, we can reduce the amount of nuclear waste and also gain more power.





     The First and Third ways benefit both us {Humans} and  

The Environment 

These are not our solutions. Don't sue us. And...



However, Our Real Solution Is To Allow the Human's to Die

The Best Solution Is To Burn The World To The Ground.

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