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-There are 3 types of radiation. They are:




















Beta radiation - Faster and more dangerous than Alpha radiation but are easily shielded. They can penetrate a little into human flesh. Exposure produces an effect like sunburn, but which is slower to heal. Beta-radioactive substances are also safe if kept in appropriate sealed containers.







Gamma Rays- high-energy electromagnetic waves similar to an X-rays. They

are more dangerous than Beta radiation and require better shielding.

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Nuclear waste can be illegally dumped or accidentally released. The land and bodies of water around the dump site will become contaminated and the location will be rendered uninhabitable to human beings.

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Radiation from nuclear reactions can cause nausea and migraines, and, as the levels increase, the effects are much more damaging. As the level of radiation rises, radiation can cause hair loss, loss of white blood cells (making casualties of radiation even more susceptible to infections), and can result in death.

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Some common sources of radiation are Television, Drinking water, Natural gas, Cell phones, fluorescent lamps, watches, clocks, computers, ceramics, glass, soil, Radon, Cigarette smoking, and more according to,,20478712,00.html#should-we-be-worried--0

Alpha radiation - The least dangerous type of radiation. They can't penetrate the skin, and are only dangerous when emitted inside the body.

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